How long should my tailored trousers be? Here's what to know!

Have you always wondered how long i should be men's pants? There are a few simple rules that can help you decide which is the ideal length for your pants.


The length of the pants also evolves

Men's fashion is constantly changing and contemporary tailoring is committed to reflecting a new idea of ​​style and refinement.

To maintain a perfect balance between dynamism and contemporary charm, the measures of elegance evolve in favor of a wardrobe with a brisk attitude, suitable for everyday life.

Thus the jackets and blazers are shortened, the shirts shrink on the sides and in the armholes and the trousers increasingly discover the malleolus, no garment remains excluded.

If the cuts and designs get thinner, something that never loses importance is the value of a good fit. The waistline, the circumference on the hips, the waistline are always decisive for the line of a good trousers pleats, the width of the bottom of the leg and its length.

If at one time the tailoring label provided that the trousers covered two thirds of the footwear, regardless of the shoe size, what is the current rule? How do you determine the ideal pants length for today's gentlemen?

A good starting point to understand which length is right for everyone, aside from personal taste and the current trend, is certainly the build.

Pants length for a long-limbed physique

The rather thin and slender physicists can afford without reservation the shorter and narrower pants on the ankles, with a length it can even reach the height of the malleolus leaving in sight a few centimeters of socks (or leg, if we are in the summer).

It is a solution with a bold look, which does not suit the most formal dress codes. Avoid when it comes to job interviews or really important meetings. Respecting the etiquette, even in the workplace, is still a plus that is not underestimated.

In addition, it pays particular attention to color, and above all tomatching men's socks. Since they will always be in sight they will have to harmonize at best with the lower part of your body (shoes, pants and belt).

As with all things in life, however, do not overdo it: if you wear pants that are too short you will run the risk of being asked if you grew up in it.

Pants length for a short physique

The more breviline physicists, or those with a pronounced calf, should refrain from reduced lengths, which have the effect of shortening the legs and define an excessively weighted line.

In this case, it is better to prefer trousers that, while standing, reach flush with the upper of the shoes and totally cover the sock.

Trouser hem: with or without turn-up?

Generally a hem of the trousers with turn-ups will give a more informal look to the outfit; the smooth hem is instead absolutely mandatory for more formal occasions, when wearing formal dresses such as tuxedo, tailcoat, tight or frock coat.

The cuffed hem is particularly suitable for long-sleeved physicists and the standard measurements for the height of the cuff in men's trousers are 4 or 5 centimeters, depending on your preferences and your height. If you are very tall you can afford to go up to 6 centimeters, thus balancing the proportions of your fit.

If, on the other hand, you have a short physique, the advice is to avoid the cuffed hem, which would have the effect of shortening and excessively weighing down your figure. Opt for a more linear cuffless hem, giving yourself an eye in the mirror you will immediately realize the difference!

Bottom of pants: how wide should it be?

Finally, as regards the width, there are no standard or mandatory measures. There are those who consider the measure of a diameter from 19 to 17.5 cm to be indicative, but in practice it is important that the trousers are wide enough not to "get caught" on the calf during movements and that they always allow the trousers to easily fall back onto the shoe or ankle, depending on the length.

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